Monday, April 20, 2015

Week in review April 13-19: Back in the saddle, literally

A decent week that included some outdoor biking time.
Hey hey! I got a decent week under my (race) belt for the first time in a while. I didn't do as much "other" as I would have liked, but I got decent training in for all three disciplines.

Swim: Twice in the pool for 3500 yards each time, for a total of 7000 yards in about 2 hours, 45 minutes. I suspect there will be a bit of a "pace adjustment curve" as I make the transition from meters to yards. Since I have to get up at 4:40 a.m. (yes, a.m.) to hit the pool with enough time to swim and get ready for work, I'm counting swimming twice a victory.

Bike: Four times, three on the trainer and one 36-mile road ride, for a total of just more than 6 hours. Hooray!

Run: Four times, all on the road (double hooray!), for 30.5 miles in 4 hours, 48 minutes. Triple hooray -- another 30+ mile week! And it feels good.

Yoga: One self-guided 30-minute session that was sorely (heh) needed because I can barely move my hips into pigeon.

Weights/plyo: Nothing this week.

Pre-hab: Nothing this week.

Total total: Eleven sessions in about 14 hours, 11 minutes. Not shabby at all.

I feel like I am getting back into a training routine, and it feels good. Of course, I'd like more of everything -- more time to bike outside, more running, more swimming, more time for pre-hab, etc. etc. etc. -- but where I'm at now is a good place to settle in for a while.


  1. 4.40 am wake-up? I bow down to your dedication!

    1. It's a blurry line between "dedication" and "crazy." =)
