Friday, April 10, 2015

It's been a slow week, so check out the speed run I most love to hate

So yeah, I'm a little late to the Garmin Connect game.
I don't have much to say about this week since I'm still getting used to my new work schedule. I start my day a lot earlier than I'm used to, and I just have to adjust.

But, I did get a chance to go out and do my favorite speed run I love to hate. I affectionately call it "Puking Leapfrog" since you essentially leapfrog fast and recovery paces until you want to puke. Clever, huh?

I started with a 1-mile warmup and already felt like I wanted to die. (Note to self: 9:07 is a bit too fast for me to warm up.) Then I got into a groove of 1 mile fast, half mile recover, repeat for a total of 4 fast miles. I wanted to descend the fast, but I ended up with 8:42, 8:47, 8:42 and 8:01, which honestly isn't bad considering the wind was blowing at 20 mph. And I am annoyed I couldn't run two seconds faster for that last mile to get a sub-8!

I'm not doing a whole lot right now, but I am trying to make what I DO do count.

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