Saturday, September 16, 2017

Sick, tired, and now off-schedule

I have been fighting a bug all week. I had a raging sore throat Monday and Tuesday and both days just laid in bed after work. Wednesday I felt better and even went for an easy run in the evening AND made dinner! WOWEE!

Alas, it was not to be. I felt worse and worse Thursday as the day went on, and suffered through as much work as I could before leaving early to lay in my bed once again. I was really suffering miserably yesterday (Friday) and even called out (well, texted out) of work, which is something I only do like once a year. My boss texted back to tell me "Get better and enjoy laying on the couch!" but I literally never made it out of bed longer than to make some tea or use the bathroom.

I am feeling more human today and even left the condo for about 5 minutes to go to Rite-Aid, although I made my husband do all our Saturday morning errands without me, haha. I am not sucking down Benadryls like candy anymore and actually ate real food once already today, so I consider that a mild success. I would like to take a nap but I'm in that weird tired-but-not-really-tired spot. Maybe more tea will help.

To add insult to injury, I'm now way behind where I need to be to hit 100 running miles for the month. I felt OK at 31-ish miles by the end of last weekend, the 10th, 1/3 of the way through the month. Well, today is the 16th, I only ran 3 miles on Wednesday, and it's not looking good for a run any earlier than Monday. That means I'll have to run about 65 miles in 13 days to make my goal. CAN I do it? Yes, assuming everything else goes according to plan. But cramming for my final is not how I wanted to finish out the month.
Ugh - quite a gap I'll have to make up for September.
I know, I know — there's nothing really making me run 100 miles every month except myself. And I'm already ahead about 32 miles for the year. But... I really wanted to hit that milestone.

If there's any good news to take out of getting sick (again) on Thursday, we didn't really have any plans yesterday or today. I can rest up for our plans tomorrow, assuming I feel better, and ease back into things on Monday. I was lax about getting a flu shot last year but maybe this is the kick in the butt I need to get it done this year — I don't want to be feeling this miserable again for a long, long time.

Be well out there, and happy running, everyone.

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