Sunday, February 28, 2016

A swimming bummer, an amazing run and cutting weights short

I started out with a really good swim Friday night. After my warmups and drills, I started on 4 x 100 descending, with the intent to do 5 total. My first one was great! On the second, I was slightly slower on the fastest 100. OK, no biggie. I was slower on the third, and again on the fourth, and again on the last. I was pretty bummed I couldn't hold pace. Maybe I didn't have enough rest? Oh well.

I did, thanks!
It was another ridiculous 62-degree day today. Wow! I took advantage with a 5-mile run around the neighborhood. It was the longest I've run since I've been on IT band rehab. I had some discomfort in my left IT band and knee around mile 3-4, but no real pain. I finished with a smile on my face and the warm sun on my back.

It's February!!!!!
After my run I wanted to do a weights video. Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones was next in the rotation, and I was able to bump up the weight for a few moves. (I'm anticipating sore shoulders tomorrow!) I started to feel lousy by the end and figured it was just me working my butt off. A few minutes later I started to feel all my telltale symptoms of dropping blood sugar. Ugh! I quickly stretched and chugged some apple cider, and after a cuddle with one of the mutts I started feeling better.

Now, to wrap up the weekend and set myself up for another good week.

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