Friday, February 12, 2016

Quick hits at the end of the week

Some weekday training. And meal planning. And salad making.
I did some training on a Thursday, last night, for the … second time this year. For some reason, Thursdays have been the oddball day so far in 2016. I’ve had personal meetings, I got sick, I went truck shopping and truck buying, etc. All on a Thursday. Last night was nothing special; I did my usual weekday ride of a few big-ring intervals. I wasn’t feeling 100% as I have been fighting off a cold for a few weeks now, but I put in a decent showing. It was nice to get that extra weekday ride in for the first time in a while.

Earlier this week I marked two years of blogging. Wow, that went by in a flash! I got into the blogging game very (very, very) late, but I still enjoy rambling on about my mediocre training and trying to balance swim, bike, run and life. Since my last blog birthday, I actually only completed one triathlon, but have also done another marathon and a couple swimming/multisport events. And I’ve had a lot of fun and even improved a bit. I’d call this last year a success.

I mentioned that I didn’t feel 100% lately and as today has gone on I feel less and less great. Not sick enough to leave work, but the pool is sounding NOT appealing right about now. I am leaning toward making tonight a “lay in bed and watch movies” kind of night, followed by a good night’s sleep for once, and hopefully I can hit it hard again tomorrow. But, there’s no sense in stressing my immune system and paying for it with multiple sick days later.

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