Monday, April 1, 2019

Week in review March 25-31: Great for seeing family, terrible for workouts

Lots of blank space over the weekend.
Every once in a while I’m going to have a week where I feel like all attempts at training go out the window in favor of life events, and last week was definitely one of those weeks. Unfortunately, there’s not really much I can do except brush it off and try to move on.

I wasn’t feeling great on Monday so I decided to take the day off training and dedicate the evening to personal stuff. I was able to rally for two decent trainer rides and a weights video mid-week, so at least I had a solid mini-stretch in there.

My sister-in-law ended up coming into town unexpectedly last week so we all went out to dinner as a family on Friday evening. My husband and I got a late start Saturday for our usual brunch /  market / errands routine, and I had good intentions to do another trainer ride afterward, but my sister-in-law wanted to visit one more time before heading to the airport. Since I never see her, of course I changed my plans, and as we poked around the neighborhood I discovered a specialty chocolate shop dangerously close to my home, so it all worked out (haha).
Velodrome time!
I already had plans with my parents to go to the nearby Lexus Velodrome for the Saturday Night Rumble, a lineup of a whole bunch of cool events. My dad hadn't been yet, and he cycled a bit and even did a century when we kids were little. In fact, he teased me about doing "only" a 60-miler on my first 70.3 training go-round, so I made sure to do a 62-miler, a metric century, the second time around. Anyway, Saturday ended up being a wash as far as training. But I ended up getting to hang out with pretty much my whole family, so it was a win in that regard.

I was able to do my trainer ride yesterday in between food prep sessions, so at least I did something active this weekend. Overall, it worked out to be:

Bike: Three times, all on the trainer, for 49 fake trainer miles in about 3.5 hours.

Weights: One 55-minute video.

Total: Four sessions in about 4.5 hours.

I had a lot of stuff happen in one week and there's not much I can do now except put it behind me and start looking forward to the next week. We'll call it a deload week and move on.

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