Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Week in review June 18-24: Step in dog poop, bike, run

This past week was a busy one, so I’m going to blame that for not updating here. We skipped town last night because my lab mix Daisy hates fireworks, and it was the International Freedom Festival in Windsor and Detroit... with lots of fireworks. So we headed to my in-laws for a nice dinner and a quiet evening.
Mutts chilling at Gwamma and Gwappa's.
Last week got off to a craptastic start, literally. We dogsat for my parents’ geriatric shih tzu, Jack, and when I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night I stepped into a pile of his poop. Sigh. Most likely, he was just stressed from the travel and staying at our place. The rest of the week passed with much less excitement. Thankfully.
Everyone tolerated each other, for the most part.
With that start to my Monday, it could only get better, right? I managed a decent number of workouts, although I still haven’t broken the 10-hour training mark. I gave up one night to hang out with friends in their sweet backyard setup and eat a delicious pork roast from their smoker. The weather was rainy and I didn’t feel like dealing with it Saturday, so I did a long trainer ride instead of trying to hit the road, although I had luck avoiding getting rained on when I went for a run on Sunday.

Not a bad week.
All told, it was:

Bike: Three times, all on the trainer, for almost 30 fake trainer miles in just longer than 3 hours.

Run/walk: Three times, twice on the road and once on the treadmill, for 11.25 miles in about 2:42.

Everything bike and run felt pretty OK this week. I had some twinges doing both activity here and there, maybe a little discomfort, but nothing that reached real pain or made me want to pull the plug.

PT: Four solo rehab sessions for about 2:30 total. I did one each Monday and Tuesday, slacked massively for the rest of the week, and picked up again Saturday and Sunday. Oh well, at least I did something.

Weights: One round of my heavy/bodyweight moves for about 1:15. I am definitely feeling the renewed interest in chin-ups and pushups.

Total: 11 sessions in about 9:30. Not bad at all!

I didn’t do any yoga this week. Early week was PT focused, and I had errands and such Thursday, and by Friday I was sooooooooooo tired all I could manage was a mediocre run. I really should have at least stretched while watching TV but… oh well. I was pretty lame and stayed in for most of the weekend.

I have a couple of health goals to work on these next few weeks. I have to get better at going to bed earlier. I get up at 5:45-ish currently and a good night is one where I’m in bed by 10:30. I was up too late both weekend nights. Blech. My problem is, I try to cram too much stuff into the precious few evening hours.

My other health goal is to slowly try to get back to the pool. I went this morning for a blood draw which may confirm or deny my suspicions that I am actually over medicated for my thyroid issue, which could be causing the shortness of breath and anxiety. Getting my thyroid taken seriously and then medicated appropriately has been a 10+ year struggle, and I’m so used to being slow and sluggish. Well, I’ll know more after the draw and follow up in a couple weeks.

I hope your week is off to a good, poop-free start.

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