Monday, December 31, 2018

Week in review Dec. 24-30: Starting like Buddy the Elf and ending like Ebenezer Scrooge

Lots of biking and a good amount of other stuff.
The week got off to a pretty good start. I knew I wouldn't be doing much training on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and I was right; all I logged was one trainer ride on Christmas Eve. The rest of the day was spent wrapping presents while watching Christmas movies, cooking in advance of the holiday, and relaxing before going to bed on the early side. Christmas Day was a long, exhausting, and fun day of family festivities.

I was ready to jump back into training on Wednesday. I spend the morning farting around and running a couple errands, but did get in a nice run later in the day in the sunshine with some new running tights my mom had given me. I even rallied again for barre later that evening.

The rest of the week included trainer rides, another legit speedwork run, and lots of PT. I think I overdid it on the weights on Saturday, though, because my knee was in a good amount of pain on Sunday. I was pretty bummed, especially because it was another relatively warm, sunny day. I tried to get some chores done around the house and did manage some yoga before bed, so not all was lost.

Although the week ended on a downer, my numbers were still pretty good:

Bike: Three times, all on the trainer, for 51.5 trainer miles in a little longer than 4 hours. I think this might be my best trainer week EVER. Since I had some extra time on my days off, I tacked on an extra 10 or 15 minutes here and there, and it showed.

PT/Rehab: Four times, all solo sessions, for about 2:30. This is also the most PT I've done in a while! Amazing what I can get done when I don't have to work, haha.

Run/Walk: Twice, both on the road, for 13.5 miles in about 2:20. OK, this wasn't a total fail — this consisted of a nice, easy run and a speed run, both outside on nice days. I am bummed about missing my long-ish run, but all told I am still 2 for 3.

Weights: Twice, one barre class and one heavy/body session, for about 2:15 all together.

Yoga: One self-guided session for 20 minutes of mostly bends, twists, figure 4s, etc.

Total: 12 sessions for about 11 hours, 26 minutes. Not bad!

Of course I could have done better doing training on Christmas Day and not missing my long run, but I'm still happy with how the week turned out. I'm especially proud of myself for making PT such a priority. Almost as important, I'm glad I took it easy on a few days and rested my knee when I needed to. Hopefully this will help set me up for a good 2019.

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