Thursday, March 11, 2021

Belated March 1-7 week in review: It's been stressful.

I'm still here. This week has been rough. I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep for the life of me. I pass out for about 20 minutes and then lie awake with thoughts and heart racing for a few hours. I have been able to rally in the afternoon/evenings so I have felt normal enough to do my after-work workouts, and I figure the exercise might actually help me get tired enough to sleep. I think the one-year anniversary of the pandemic is getting to me, plus all the usual work and other stressors.

But, in spite of all that, I had a good workout week last week. The weather took a turn for the better so I was able to run outside, and everything else was business as usual. It was pretty boring, honestly, but I could use some boredom in at least one aspect of my life right now.
You say boring, I say consistent.
Bike: Nothing out of the ordinary here, just my usual four trainer rides including some easy, an interval, and a long. I went a bit extra on my long ride to hit 40K for a friend's 40th birthday, which was fun. This ended up being 78 fake trainer miles in a hair less than 5 hours.

PT/Pre-hab: My usual 3 mobility, 3 running PT/pre-hab sessions for about 3:45 total. I'm going to keep going with this routine as long as it's working for me.

Run: Three times, all on the road, for 22.5 miles in about 3:37. This was a medium run on a very warm (for March) day, a chilly speed run with every other mile peppy, and an easy run for which I forced myself to wrap up at the hour mark.

Weights: My usual rotation of Monday core, a mid-week video, and a weekend heavy/body routine for about 2:50. This is going about as well as I could hope; I am getting some pretty good definition in my upper back and pushups are getting slightly easier. Hopefully this translates into strong multisport if we ever get a multisport season.

Yoga: Three 15-minute sessions with the Down Dog app. I have been good with doing yoga on every run day. It's not hurting.

Total: 19 sessions in a hair less than 16 hours. This was a big week for me!

This week is shaping up to be equally as boring and I am just fine with that. If I can put my head down and do all my rides, weights, PT, and yoga, and get outside for some running in the fresh air, I will be happy. Hopefully I will be able to get a couple of good nights' of sleep, too.

Hope you are staying healthy, safe, and free of stress out there.

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