Monday, July 20, 2020

Week in review July 13-19: Four runs, zero swims, lots of heat

Not a shabby week, and solid run and bike volume to boot.
Last week was a hot one. Three of my four runs were sufferfests in the humidity. I took ice water, which quickly became regular water, with me on two of them. Yuck.

I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I didn't make it to the pool at all. As I said earlier, I was exhausted Monday, and although we had good intentions to go Wednesday the club had a power outage. (And you still need power to run pumps, even if the pool is outdoors.) I had good intentions again to go Saturday, but I was SO fatigued after a bike trainer ride, I couldn't do much else than lie on the couch. I took my temperature to make sure I wasn't getting sick, but I was just tired. After relaxing for a couple of hours I did rally enough for a drink and dinner.

One takeaway from that is I need to have dinner ready to go on Mondays if I want to swim after work. Yesterday, we ordered enough Indian food to feed an army, and saved enough for leftovers. Maybe there's a casserole I can prep, or maybe I can get the slow cooker going again. I think that's going to be a big piece of the puzzle for Monday swims.

The other thing of note from last week was that I ran four times. But that was only because I ran every other day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. All four were easy 5-mile slogs through fatigue, heat, and/or humidity. My hip flexor thing going on isn't 100% yet, but it's a LOT better. It's so hot, and there aren't any races coming up anyway, that easy 5-mile loops around my neighborhood are fine with me for the time being.

Anyway, by the numbers it was:

Run: Four times, all on the road, for 22 miles in about 3:49. Each run was 5 miles with my usual quarter mile warmup and cooldown; nothing exciting at all. And that's fine for now.

Bike: Three times, all on the trainer, for 56.5 fake trainer "miles" in about 3:44. I had a quick doctor's appointment on my furlough day so I skipped the outdoor bike ride this week.

Weights: Twice, one video and one online barre, for about 2:10 with the chinups and pushups I did afterward. I ran out of steam on Saturday and skipped my usual heavy/body weights routine, so I did online barre on Sunday instead. (Bonus: I recover a little quicker and can plan for another weights video this coming Wednesday.) I really want to do more chinups, but my usual routine is pretty long, so I tried just doing 3 sets of 10 standing chinups. It was a lot easier to manage.

PT: Two of my homework sessions plus rolling. I would have done three, but I had to work late on one of my usual PT nights and couldn't do a bike ride AND my PT.

Yoga: One 15-minute solo session.

Total: 12 sessions in about 11:08. Still a decent week.

I got a lot done workout-wise, I got some rest, I put in some solid work hours, and I spent some time with my husband and dogs. It wasn't a bad week for training, or otherwise. I ended the week with my body, job, and marriage intact, so what more can I ask for?

Stay healthy and safe out there!

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