Monday, June 29, 2020

Week in review June 22-28: Swimming in a pool! Biking outside!

Lots of biking and a nice variety.

Last week was definitely exciting as far as training: I swam in an outdoor pool and I rode my bike outside. Woo hoo!

It wasn't all fun and games, as my hip is still bothering me and limiting how much I run. I also had a difficult day Thursday watching the COVID numbers get higher and higher, and couldn't muster enough energy to do anything more than make dinner. But, I came out ahead overall. Swimming and biking outside put a big smile on my face.

I've been meaning to get to my outdoor pool and it worked out perfectly on Monday. I wanted to go on a day that would be quiet, preferably when we had leftovers for dinner and I didn't have to rush home to cook. I got in 2000 meters and although my arms felt like they were going to fall off halfway through the first drill, they didn't. People were being safe, which was reassuring: Sitting at least 6 feet apart outside, and wearing their masks inside. I was careful to keep to myself and headed home to shower.

I did ride with a friend Wednesday, but we were also careful to keep our distance — I don't have the bike handling skills to ride to closely to anyone, anyway — and didn't hug or use the bathrooms at the park we were in or anything like that. I train to get away from people 99% of the time, but the once every couple of years I ride with someone I have a good time. I guess I need more slow cycling friends, haha. My confidence is NOT there; I definitely need to work on those descents.

So, even with a day off and minimal running, it was still a good week:

Bike: Three times, twice on the trainer and once on the road, for 5:16:03 as 33.38 road miles and 39 fake trainer miles.

Weights: Twice, one online barre class and one heavy/body session, for about 2:15. More pullups and chinups!

PT: Three times through my homework routine for about 1:45 total.

Run: Twice, both on the road, for 7.5 miles in about 1:20. This was two very easy loops around my neighborhood to test out my hip. I really think it's just a stubborn hip flexor pull. It's feeling a LOT better but not quite 100% yet. I'll keep doing easy runs here and there to test it out.

Swim: Once in the pool for 2000 meters of drills in about 1:05.

Yoga: One solo session for about 20 minutes.

Total: 12 sessions in almost exactly 12 hours.

Not a shabby week at all. I'm glad I was able to get out of my routine and shake things up a bit, and adapt even as my running is limited right now. And even while I'm hunkered down, at least I'm doing something.

Stay safe and healthy out there.

P.S.: It looks like Blogger had an upgrade so please bear with me if there are any issues I need to fix!

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