Not a bad variety last week. |
It's been quiet over here. I'm going to make this quick because I want to get to bed at a decent hour, for once, and maybe even go for an early run tomorrow morning.
There really was nothing special about last week. I made it to the pool Monday, and was a bit too short on time afterward to do my usual Monday core and mobility. I got back on schedule for the rest of the week and even managed a decent speed run, 3 miles descending x 2, on a not-quite-so-hot Friday. It was gross Saturday so I didn't make it outside for a bike ride, but I still got in a solid trainer ride and heavy weights workout.
Sunday's long run was brutal. I still want to do 2 hours/12-ish miles every other week or so, since I'm holding out hope there might be a half marathon to jump into this fall. It started out with temps in the 80s and a dew point in the low 70s (!!!) and it actually got MORE comfortable as it warmed up but the humidity dropped. I really do better when it's super hot and less humid, but I wanted to get going on my day, so I decided I would suffer as best as I could. Oh well, I got my 9 miles in, and hopefully a bit of heat acclimation.
One thing I was thrilled to find is that water fountains are coming back on. Hooray! I don't mind running with a handheld, so being able to refill it and not have to worry about a Camelbak is ideal for me. So far I've found working fountains on two of my favorite routes, so I'll have to check the third the next time I'm out that way.
Not bad volume last week, either. |
Last week was:
Run: Three times, all on the road, for 24 miles in about 4:01. This was a cool-ish easy run, a cool-ish speed run, and a hot-as-balls 9-miler.
PT/Pre-hab: Six times, three each mobility and running PT, for about 3:45. Skipping Monday threw off my schedule a bit and I ended up doing mobility two days in a row in there, but I don't think it matters in the great scheme of things.
Bike: Three times, all on the trainer, for 60 fake trainer "miles" in about 3:34. This was an easy-ish ride, a hard interval ride during which I couldn't even hit my new power targets since my last FTP test, and a longer, easier ride while watching the Olympics and catching up on old Tennis magazines.
Weights: Twice, one barre app and one heavy/body routine, for about 2:30. I am now able to do more pullups and chinups than I ever have in my life. Quarantine was good for something, I guess?
Swim: Once in the pool for 2000 meters in about 53 minutes, including drills. I'm only swimming here and there lately but this felt amazing and my paces weren't bad for me. I just felt smooth in the water today. I don't know why, but I was going with it.
Yoga: Three times, both via the Down Dog app on run days, for 45 minutes total. I tried to mix it up with focus on twists, hamstring stretches, and hip stretches.
Total: 18 sessions in about 15:28. Not a bad week at all!
I took an extra day off this coming week for family in town but I might try to squeeze in an extra workout or two as well. Depending on how my knee feels, a high-volume running week will put me at 100 miles for the month so I might go for that. And I haven't even taken my road bike outside this year yet. There is still a lot I want to accomplish this summer! I don't know how people train, work full time, prep and cook healthy food, keep their dogs fed and entertained, keep their marriage intact, and keep their house not condemned. My house is barely not condemned and I am not training as much as I'd like to, so there's still a puzzle piece missing somewhere in there, haha.
Anyway, I hope you all are staying safe and sane while having enough time to clean the house just enough to prevent the health department from swinging by.