Sunday, September 15, 2019

A rest day, not by choice

I was NOT happy when I got up this morning to find my knee was killing me. It hurts in the same place that sent me to the orthopedist in the first place almost two years ago, deep in the knee joint.

That turned out to be a chondral fissure, which doesn't have a lot of treatment options. This hurts the same way — hurts to stand on it, hurts to bend too deeply, hurts when I put pressure on the back of the knee, uncomfortable when I straighten it. So yeah, I have been in a grumpy mood all day.

I have either ran or biked every day Monday through Saturday, but I'd hardly call it high volume. As far as running goes, I did a "long" run of 5.5 miles Monday; a half easy, half speedy 4-miles through some storms on Wednesday; and another 4 with quarter-mile pickups on Friday.

My Tuesday and Thursday rides were my normal hour-ish Trainer Road rides, and I did ride longer outside on Saturday, but for me a "long" ride is 35 miles in a bit longer than 2 hours. Really, I'm going to re-injure myself on 13.5 running miles and three rides per week??? Are you kidding me?

I'm angry and frustrated that I am STILL dealing with this with no good reason. I have been cycling twice on the trainer and once on the road during the weekend all summer and my knee has felt fine. And it makes me mad that I used to run 50-mile weeks with no problems and suddenly when I do something that resembles speed work, I have problems. Or maybe not! Because I don't really know why my knee is hurting.

I could swim tomorrow but I'd have to use a pull buoy and I just dyed my hair so I don't even want to do that. At least there's one thing that will always, always be there for me: PT exercises.
Clam shells 'til I die.
NOT a good way to end the week! Harumph!

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