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Not a shabby week, considering the mid-week festivities. |
I knew there would be downtime in in the middle of last week with my birthday and Thanksgiving, so I planned to hit Monday and Tuesday hard and rally on Friday for a strong weekend. What really happened was I poked Monday and Tuesday, rested and relaxed most of Wednesday and Thursday, and had a strong rally Friday through the weekend. I’ll take it.
I did my usual Monday trainer ride and Tuesday run after work, although I got stuck in a huge traffic jam on the way home from the gym Tuesday and didn’t eat dinner until around 9:30 p.m. (I had to coach my husband over the phone how I wanted an onion chopped and ground beef seasoned, but he did it.) I took Wednesday off work to mourn/celebrate turning the big 4-0, and also took it off from training. I really wanted a day just to relax and do whatever I wanted, and it was great. We went out for breakfast, we got massages, I upgraded my phone, etc.
Thursday, American Thanksgiving, I hit the mimosas and family started coming over to our house late morning. We went out to an early dinner, but did desserts and coffee afterward for a few hours back at our place. By the time everyone was gone at 5:30 or so, I was so confused about what day and time it was. We watched TV for a bit and I got kind of bored with being a slug, so I did a bit of yoga, bought one thing online, and called it a day.
I did have Friday off work and I hate the whole concept of Black Friday shopping, so I did some training instead. I went to barre class, worked on chin-ups and pull-ups at home, went for an easy run after it warmed up a bit, and even did my PT. And I was done with plenty of time left for us to go see a movie — Zombieland: Double Tap, exactly the sort of brainless (haha) comedy we were hoping for.
Saturday I did my usual long ride and then my PT, and Sunday I did a long-ish run (I’m back up to 7.5 miles running) and more PT. Three days is the most PT I’ve done in a week in at least three months — shame on me. But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the hip pain I’ve been experiencing lately is probably due to neglecting PT exercises.
Overall, the week worked out to be:
Run: Three times, once on the treadmill and twice outside, for 19 miles in about 3:13 total. This is almost exactly the same time I ran last week with an extra half-mile total mileage, which I attribute to doing my long run slightly faster. I’m not really trying to go faster, but my hip is feeling better enough that I don’t have to go quite as slowly, if that makes sense.
Bike: Twice, both on the trainer, for 46.5 fake trainer miles in about 3:05. I knew I would have to skip at least one regular workout with the holiday/birthday, and decided to skip the third bike session. Eh, whatever.
PT: Three times of my most recent prescribed moves and rolling out of the quads and calves for about 1:45 total.
Weights: One barre class followed by pull-up/chin-up practice for about 1:10.
Yoga: One solo session for about 15 minutes.
Total: 10 sessions in a hair under 9.5 hours. Not shabby at all. I could have gotten up super early on Thanksgiving and done one more, but… eh. I’m happy with how the week turned out.
Last week was fun but I am appreciating being back in my routine. I prepped healthy lunches for the week Sunday and made sure to eat the rest of the brownies before I went to bed — you know, to get them out of the house (haha). I’m not appreciating getting up early, leaving my dogs, and going to work, but adulthood and all that. I am hoping to knock out some consistent workouts so I can get this week and December going as healthfully as possible.
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