Monday, May 28, 2018

Week in review May 21-27: More vacation hikes and wogs

It wasn't a great week training-wise, but I can't be mad at myself for doing a few active things on vacation. My husband and I went for one more long hike, in Point Reyes National Seashore, and I went for two wogs (walk/jogs) around my sister-in-law's neighborhood.
Considering this was vacation, I'll take it.
I have been to the San Francisco Bay area a handful of times but when we had the opportunity to use our brother-in-law's car for the day (he works nights), we decided to go somewhere an easy-ish drive away, but far enough out of the way that it would be worth our while making the trip out there. The Point Reyes National Seashore (over the Golden Gate Bridge and northwest) did not disappoint:
Pano of the first vista. That's the Pacific stretching into infinity.
It was so foggy, yet so beautiful. 
I was mildly obsessed with the wildflowers. 
(More wildflowers.) 
We hiked all the way to a lake vista and turned around. 
Before we headed back to the car, we walked down to the ocean. 
Ugh, so beautiful.
We also saw a coyote (!!!) and a deer, but I couldn't get my camera out fast enough for those.

My sister-in-law's neighborhood is near a marsh with a path around it, and walking to the marsh, doing my 4 x 2:00 repeats around it, and walking back was almost a perfect 5K. I did this once with my husband and once solo, and it was just as beautiful the second time.
Hard to believe this was only a few miles from downtown. 

I only worked out those three days, but I did a decent amount of walking around the city Tuesday and Saturday, and walking around wine country Friday. All in all, we packed a lot of fun stuff and family time into this vacation.

And I got to meet my new nephew!
I brought him a toy from Detroit, of course.
By the numbers, it was:

Other: One almost-3-hour hike in the National Seashore for 7.15 miles. There were a couple of legitimately challenging, technical parts of the trail but most of it was an easy stroll in packed dirt.

Run/walk: Twice, both walking on the road to run intervals on a hard dirt trail, for 6.4 miles total in about 1:38. I would have liked do to one more but on vacation with other people you take what you can get.

Total: Three workouts in about 4 hours, 33 minutes, not counting walking around time.

The one thing I didn't do this week was any PT homework. I brought my straps and such with me, I just didn't make the time to do it among family time and our other activities. That is my real regret from this trip.

However, I got to run and hike in some new-to-me places, and I had an awesome time, so that's a win overall.

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