Thursday, April 26, 2018

More good news at PT!

My weekly physical therapy appointment was tonight. I wasn't sure what to expect, because last week my therapist implied that I might be discharged soon. But, I didn't think I was ready, as I still have knee pain now and then.

After I did all my strengthening moves — during which I only had the slightest hint of discomfort once or twice, so victory for me — she had me hop on the table and pushed against my leg while I pushed back the other way. She commented that my leg was getting a lot stronger as far as my glutes, hips, IT band, etc. She also said she can tell I've been diligent with my PT homework, which made me feel a bit better about all the time I've been spending doing it.
Me doing step-ups at PT today.
So, instead of returning next week, I go back in two weeks. And then, she said, if I am continuing to progress and my pain is minimal, we can start thinking about a return to running plan.


I feel like I have a long way to go still, but I am more hopeful than I was a few weeks ago. I have less and less frequent pain, my therapist says my legs are getting stronger, and I may get to run again next month. I feel like I've finally turned a corner with getting my knee back into shape.